Resources for Teaching and Learning Organic Chemistry

by Laurie Starkey

Chemistry Connected Website Navigation Menu (Fall 2024 Courses: CHM 3150 | CHM 3150L

LOCAL respository screenshot
LOCAL Repository

Library for Organic
Chemistry Active Learning
see also: Student Motivation Resources

resonance animation screenshot
Resonance Pattern Tutorials
4 videos (5 minute review)
YouTube Playlist

TLC simulator screenshot
TLC simulator (video)

extraction simulator screenshot
Extraction animation (video)

blank reagent table
Reagent Table practice
blank table | answer key |
video solution

C-13 NMR handout image
Spectroscopy Handouts & Videos
IR / NMR / Mass Spec

Distillation tutorial screenshot
Lab technique tutorials
Video Playlists on YouTube
(Distillation, Extraction, TLC,
Recrystallization, Melting Point)

screenshot of open textbook library site
O-Chem Lab Techniques eBook
FREE downloadable pdf
with great pictures
Lab Manual (PDF) (Table of Contents)
Online Lab Manual

Introduction to hybridization video

interactive line drawing website screenshot
Interactive Line Drawings

Cyclohexane tutorial video screenshot
Drawing Cyclohexane Chair Conformations
video playlist

Student Motivation &
Video Creation Resources

Starkey Presentations

Remote Teaching Resources

Phil Beauchamp's Website


About Professor Starkey

Course Materials

Dr. Laurie S. Starkey
     Cal Poly Pomona (Building 4, Room 1-428)
     Pomona, CA 91768
Discord server @LaurieStarkey
Google Voice 714.855.1702
Current Schedule

Professor at Cal Poly Pomona, teaching Organic Chemistry lecture and laboratory classes.
In addition to authoring an introductory organic synthesis textbook (2nd edition). I have developed online lab animations & tutorials, online prelab quizzes, organic chemistry "clicker" questions, and online organic chemistry lectures for As you can probably tell, I am a strong proponent for using technology to support student success, and I have created a repository of active learning resources for Organic Chemistry, called LOCAL. I served as a peer reviewer for MERLOT, and I enjoy giving chemistry career presentations (here is a list of my presentations & publications). Please visit my YouTube channel ChemistryConnected, see my OrganicERS spotlight, and I welcome contributions to my collection of Video Creation & Teaching resources and COVID-19 Remote-Teaching resources.

This is a personal website, and not an official website of Cal Poly Pomona or the CPP Chemistry & Biochemistry Department

Last update: November, 2023
